Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 



The ectodermal tissues in the body are controlled from the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex and cerebral medulla that controls the tissues of the new mesoderm make up the new brain or large brain, see brain.

The ectoderm has 2 general programs:

  1. Programs involving the breaking down of cells in the Ca phase (ulceration) and rebuilding of cells in the PCL phase.
  2. Functional change or loss of function in the Ca phase and (partial) recovery of function in the PCL. See individual programs in the drop-down menu: thalamus to periosteum.

The themes of the ectoderm (red group) and endoderm (yellow group) are usually similar in the same organ. The ectoderm has been constantly adapted and refined throughout evolution. The youngest parts ensure the proper functioning of groups and herds and the effects of being separated from each other. A young animal separated from the herd lacks the care and protection of group. The fact of being separated is not fatal in itself; it can generally find water and food. But if it is not reunited with the herd quickly, it will eventually be eaten by a predator or starve to death because it can no longer drink from its mother.
Endodermal tissues are evolutionarily much older, the conflicts are more direct, the individual dies from the event itself.

As understanding of the structure of the biological laws increases, the evolutionary backgrounds, the themes and functions of the tissues and organs emerging from the various germ layers, the marvelously beautiful interaction between everything becomes increasingly clear. It is a fascinating journey.

General program of cell - and cell +


  1. Territory conflicts
  2. Separation conflicts

Territory conflicts

These arise when safety is lacking in the immediate environment, that is, in the group, family or herd.

  • This is a special kind of separation: being separated from the group to which one belongs is impossible because the individual depends on this group for his survival.
  • The conflicts often arise at a very young age or as early as in the womb and have long-lasting, often lifelong duration.
  • To effectively adapt to and be protected against the "unsafe" situation, the individual changes behavior and character. These are biological measurements to deal adequately with the situation, a situation from which one cannot flee or fight against. After all, these are circumstances in the immediate environment: home, family, work, family.
  • In nature, these programs are designed to allow groups, families and herds to work together properly. They are functional and give each member of the group his or her specific task with the traits and qualities important for this purpose. If the animal does not adapt, if it does not accept the leader, for example, it will be cast out and left on its own. Herd animals need each other for safety, so for the loner this situation is potentially life threatening.
  • So the original purpose of these programs is the proper functioning of groups and herds, and for the individual it is a "survival strategy."
  • In today's human society, safety in the immediate environment is often far away. The human world is ruled by fear. Consequently, the amount and severity of changes in behavior and character changes are enormous and the consequences often disastrous. Less severe and more or less livable manifestations of these programs include mania, homophily, learning disabilties and behavioral disorders, slander, ADD, ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder. Depression, anorexia, pedophilia, aggression, psychoses and schizophrenia, pseudologia fantastica (notorious liars) are more severe forms.
  • Territorial conflicts involve the programs in the mucous membranes of the bronchi, larynx, coronary arteries, coronary veins, cervix, gastric mucosa, gallbladder, liver and pancreatic ducts, rectum and renal pelvis, bladder and urinary tract. These are located in a particular part of the brain: the territorial area.
  • With the second impact in the territorial area, the building up of "conflict mass" slows down or stops. That is, the cellular breakdown in the CA phase (see below) of all organs involved in the territory area slows down or stops, even though the situation does not change. If after many years the conflict comes to a resolution, e.g., because the person leaves the parental home, the healing phase will hardly be noticed and also the crisis will be less intense.
  • The location of impact in the territorial area depends on the biological association and laterality, gender and hormone status of the person.

Territorial conflicts, its consequences and the course of the programs are further discussed in the online workshop Bio-logical Behavior and Character.


Separation conflicts

These occur when an individual becomes separated from the group or wants to be separated from it. There are many forms of being, or wanting to be, separated: losing contact (outer skin, breast), visual separations, i.e. losing sight of someone (eyes, tear ducts), not wanting or being able to hear or smell something, etc.

CA phase (conflict active phase, stress phase)

Tissue breakdown (ulceration), unnoticed or possibly with mild numbness or pain (see sensitivity patterns below).

In separation conflicts: short-term memory loss.

PCL phase A (recovery phase A)

Refilling of tissues by building up of cells, which is sometimes diagnosed as cancer. Activity of viruses, if they exist.

Symptoms: fatigue, pain or numbness (see sensitivity patterns below), inflammation, swelling, (high) fever.


(Strong) pains or numbness (see sensitivity patterns below), absence.
Absences can manifest in various ways: not being present, loss of concentration, dizziness/faintness, unconsciousness, coma. It depends on the type of program, the severity of the impact and the duration and intensity of the CA phase.

PCL phase B (recovery phase B)

Itching, diminishing symptoms, connective tissue and scar tissue formation.
Folk wisdom: if it itches, it heals.

Many relapses (tracks): replacement of functional tissue by scar tissue, cirrhosis. For example, liver cirrhosis.

Sensitivity Patterns

The cortex has 2 sensitivity patterns: the outer skin pattern and the gullet mucosa pattern.
Each program in the menu of the Ectoderm indicates which sensitivity patterns applies.

Outer skin patterns

CA phase: numbness, hypo-sensitive (decreased sensitivity)
PCL-A: hypersensitive, (over)sensitivity, pain
EC: numbness, absence
PCL-B: decreasing sensitivity

Gullet Mucosa Pattern 

Ca phase: hypersensitive, (over)sensitivity, pain
PCL-A: numbness, hypo-sensitive
EC: (strong) pain, absence
PCL-B: decreasing numbness

The gullet mucosa pattern is evolutionarily much older than the outer skin pattern. Each jump in evolution was accompanied by the development of a new germ layer or part of it. This part of the ectoderm, the post-sensory cortex, is the first new germ layer that emerged after the endoderm and provided the sense of touch. Before then, perception was limited to smelling, tasting and hearing the immediate environment and perceiving light. The eyes, ears, nose and mouth still contain endodermal tissues today.

This ancient part of the ectoderm also allowed organisms to feel what they took in their mouths or what was going on around them. The periosteum, which now surrounds the bones, then formed a shell on the outside (e.g., mollusks) by which the water and plants through which the organisms swam, could be felt. But attacks, bites and other (unwanted) contact could also be felt from that time.

The younger part of the ectoderm, the sensory cortex, developed after the break of the original ring form (see endoderm). Societies of organisms (herds, groups, packs, swarms) emerged to support and protect each other. Now "not having contact" with the herd became a problem: survival was threatened.
Previously, the presence of others was dangerous: there was a risk of becoming food for the other. The interaction with the herd created the need for a new function and thus a new part of the ectoderm with a new program emerged: the sensory cortex with a different sensitivity pattern, the outer skin pattern.

Tissues and organs still controlled by the "old" post-sensory cortex continued to run according to the gullet mucosa pattern. New organs and tissues created after the rupture of the ring form were connected to the sensory cortex and their sensitivity runs according to the outer skin pattern.

At the time the post-sensory cortex with the gullet mucosa pattern developed, others were to be avoided. Contact was therefore painful and caused the animal to flee. When the sensory cortex with the outer skin pattern came into being, contact was desirable and therefore no longer harmful.

Meaning of symptoms on the left or right side

This depends on the clapping test: mother-child side and social side, see the summary of the 5 biological laws.

Constellations of the cortex

There are many possibilities, see constellations.
The workshop Bio-logical Behavior and Character explores this in more detail, see activities.