Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Summary of the 5 biological laws of nature

First law with its 3 criteria

1st criterion:

Every SBS (Significant Biological Specialty Program) arises from an impact, the DHS (Dirk Hammer Syndrome). This is an unexpected, acute and isolated experience of an event or situation (conflict shock = emotionally shocking event).

2nd criterion:

The nature of the conflict determines the location of the HH (Hamer Focus) in the brain and in which organ the related program will have its course. The biological association with the conflict content, i.e. with which situation in nature this situation is subjectively experienced by the person, happens unconsciously and in a split second and determines the course of the special program.

3rd criterion:

All programs run synchronously at 3 levels: psyche, brain and organ.
Thus, they can always be diagnosed and monitored at multiple levels.


Food deficiency, poisoning or injury can result in organ dysfunction without an impact in the brain.

Second Law: two phases

Each program has 2 phases, assuming the conflict os resolved (CL) and the program completed. For the general course of the program see home and brain.

Third law: the ontogenetic system of cancers and cancer equivalents

The entire organism evolves from 3 germ layers, each of which has its typical characteristics regarding the biological programs.


The endoderm takes care of metabolism: the absorption, digestion and excretion of oxygen, water and nutrition and also reproduction. In the brain, the endodermal part is the brain stem, from which the conflicts related to these topics are controlled.


The mesoderm consists of 2 parts, the old mesoderm and the new mesoderm.

  • Old mesoderm. In the brain it is the cerebellum, which controls tissues related to the protection of the organism and nutrition of the offspring: corium skin, membranes and breast glands.
  • New mesoderm. This is the cerebral medulla in the brain, which controls tissues related to posture and movement of the body: bones, connective tissue, muscles, tendons, cartilage, joints, adipose tissue, lymph and blood vessels.

Old brain

The brainstem and cerebellum make up the old brain. Tissues controlled by the old brain respond with cell increase in the CA phase and with the breakdown of cells by fungi and TB bacteria in the PCL phase.


In the brain it is the cortex, which controls a range of programs related to the functioning of families, groups and herds.

New or large  brain

The cerebral medulla and the cortex make up the new or large brain. Tissues controlled by the new brain respond with tissue loss or change in function in the CA phase and a replenishment or restoration of tissues and functional normalization in the PCL phase.

Fourth law: the ontogenetic system of microbes

Microbes also belong to a particular germ layer and are active only in tissues formed by the germ layer they belong to. They never cross the tissue threshold!

  • Endoderm: fungi and myco-bacteria: e.g. TBC bacteria
  • Old Mesoderm: myco-bacteria
  • New Mesoderm: bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, spirochetes)
  • Ectoderm: bacteria and possibly viruses, if they exist.

Fifth law, the essence

Each disease is part of a Significant Biological Special Program, created to assist the organism in finding a solution to a biological conflict.
Each process has a special biological function and meaning.


According to the biological laws, brain tumors and metastases do not exist.

Biological laterality

Whether a person is biologically left- or right-handed determines which side of the body and brain is affected. Laterality is determined by the clapping test. If the left hand claps into the right when applauding, then the person is left-handed; if the right hand claps into the left, then the person is right-handed.

Clapping test

Everyone has a mother-child side and a social side. That is, the symptoms of all conflicts involving mother or child manifest on one side of the body and the symptoms of all conflicts involving someone else (partner, father, brothers, sisters, family, friends, boss, co-workers, etc.) manifest on the other side.
For the left clapping person, the mother-child side is the right side and for the right clapping person it is the left side. In short, you can say that the mother-child side is the opposite side of the clapping hand. So the social side is the side of the clapping hand.

The clapping test is the most reliable way to determine biological laterality and thus the mother-child side and the social side. It can give a different outcome than being left or right handed in normal life.

  • My son is completely left-handed: left-handed, left-footed, left-eyed and left-eared. But he claps right
  • In every lecture and workshop, there are those who marvel at their way of clapping. People think they are right-handed but clap left or vice versa.

In all cases, the clapping test is be leading.


  • Regarding impacts in the brainstem, biological laterality is not applicable.
  • In the territory area, the location of impact is determined by the person's gender, hormone status and biological laterality. This has nothing to do with mother-child side or social side. More information on the mechanism of impact in the territory area is given in the workshop "Bio-logical Behavior and Character".

In case one doesn't know with which hand one claps, there are also other ways to get an indication about biological laterality, for example:

  1. Which foot do you step forward with when pushed forward?
  2. In which hand do you hold a cane when you walk?

But those are often not final and doubts may persist. Then a known biological program will give the outcome. 

The symptoms of my son were always on the right side. Him being completely left, I thought is had something to do with me and I was very surprised when he clapped right.
Symptoms appearing in his right eye after a conversation with my husband about his sister planning to move to New Sealand confirmed the clapping test: he would loose sight of her. 
This incident had nothing do do with me.