Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

New Mesoderm


The New Mesoderm is controlled from physically Cerebral Medulla. It shapes and regulates the "solid" parts of the body and makes standing upright and moving on land possible: bones, tendons, muscles, joints, connective tissue, etc.
The biological purpose of the programs is: getting bigger, stronger, being more  able to handle life. The overall theme are Self Devaluation Conflict (SDC) and the program proceeds with cell breakdown in the CA phase and cell reconstruction in the healing phase.

Although the ectoderm expanded and refined after the emergence of the new mesoderm, the new mesoderm is evolutionarily the youngest germ layer with entirely new characteristics and functions.

Compared to the other germ layers, there are some fundamental differences:

  1. With conflicts in the new mesoderm, the danger does not come from outside, as in the other germ layers. There is no life-threatening situation or event, but a negative judgment about yourself. You are doing it to yourself (see further down this page).
  2. A physical survival mechanism is needed only in the longer term; there is no immediate life threatening situation.
  3. In the CA phase, the body weakens following your own believes about yourself. For example: one once couldn't hold out something, couldn't persevere. The theme and belief now is, "I can't persevere, I cannot hold out this."
    By reducing cells, the body weakens in imitation of that belief.
  4. When you finally realize that you can do much more than you thought, the belief about yourself changes: the issue has been mentally overcome and you now know that you can hold out, that you believed something that is not true. Then the healing phase starts.
  5. In the healing phase, more cells are put back that were previously reduced: the tissue becomes stronger. The SDC has already been overcome mentally and the body now wants to follow. At the end of the program, the new belief is mentally and physically integrated.
  6. The biological purpose lays at the end of the program: stronger bones, stronger tendons, stronger muscles, etc. A permanent improvement of the body is ensured instead of a temporary one during the CA phase, as with the other germ layers. On an awareness level: the issue has been overcome mentally and physically, the SDC is transformed. 
  7. If there is an SDC program on both sides of the body, a constellation develops. This constellation manifests itself as "megalomania", an over-inflated sense of self-esteem, which one also needs in order to actually go through the healing process, see bottom of this page. Self-exaggeration also persists until the program is completely completed.

My daughter once phrased the CA phase this way: She was going to take a lesson with her horse from someone whose opinion of her riding was important to her. So her fear was that he would not see her a good rider. The moment she got in there, she felt her body weakening, it just wasn't doing what it normally does. She felt herself a failure and she couldn't manage to ride like she usually does at home.

Human beings: our perceptions and beliefs about ourselves manifest themselves. These programs are common in human beings and cause a lot of pain and suffering, both mental and physical. In our current Western world, society determines to a very large extent how we should live. There are many obligations and those who cannot fulfill them (properly) will have problems. The seeds of self-esteem violations are laid at a very young age, often even in the womb. Many commonly used comments can result in a SDC:

  • Your fetus is too small;
  • Your child cannot keep up in school;
  • Your little brother can do this much better;
  • What are you actually good at?
  • Now when are you going to do your best?
  • You are way too unruly, we are going to investigate what is going on.
  • You have ADHD, autism, dyslexia, etc. There is something wrong with you... 

The amount of different "stamps" a child can receive are numerous, and each stamp means that he or she does not meet "normal" accepted standards. Thus, he is "not good," "not good enough," "can't keep up," "isn't smart enough," "is too unruly," etc. Everything is in fact a rejection of who the child really is: he is not accepted as he is.

As we grow up, this continues. Society checks every step we take, and if something is "not right," we are being corrected. One is reprimanded or punished, loses his benefits or job, has to go into therapy, is fined, etc. This happens at school, during studies, at work, in domestic circles, among friends, everywhere. Social control and what is and is not accepted is ubiquitous these days.

When we are considered "not good enough," we go the extra mile to correct and compensate. We see the "not being good" confirmed everywhere, we are told it all the time and we believe it: it becomes a belief, a perception about ourselves. We feel bad about it and we want to change, so we want to become who we are not: the SDC is a fact and our body begins to break down cells in the places that symbolize the kind of SDC we suffer from.
Later, in the healing phase, these places will become stronger than they were before. However, this happens only when we have realized that we are not so bad, that is, when we have mentally overcome the issue.

When that happens, the physical problems begin. In the healing phase, we start to feel physically what we created mentally during the CA phase: the mental pain turns into physical pain, the previously weakened part of the body turns into a painful, unusable part. 

For example:

  • Theme/situation: "I can't get a grip on my children".
  • CA phase: in the hands, cells are broken down, the hands weaken.
  • Solution: "I am able to let my children live their lives the way they want to."
  • PCL phase: in the hands, the cells are rebuilt. This causes (severe) pain. Because of the pain, the hands are now difficult to use. Experience: "I can't hold things properly". The mental perception in the CA phase now manifests itself physically. The pain activates a new SDC in the same place and a recurring cycle is created: the hanging healing.

In this way, many chronic diseases arise. In essence, we keep them running ourselves by not knowing that the pain means healing, that it means getting stronger. If we are to go through this type of program properly, an understanding of its course and a thorough knowledge of all its characteristics is required. This is the first step to definitive healing.

For more information see the workshops "Trust Your Body", "Bones, Tendons, Muscles and Joints," published under Activities on my other website.

Animals, children and athletes: the natural biological sense

An organism must have sufficient power and strength to cope with daily life. Young children and animals are tireless, running, playing, romping and moving constantly. But they also sleep more than the adult. This is functional: all exercises trains their bodies and when resting they become stronger. Thus they become physically strong adults.

With young dogs, it is advised to walk as many minutes as weeks they are old. So are they 12 weeks, then walk 12 minutes, are they 20 weeks, then 20 minutes. When our dog was a puppy, I thought that was nonsense, he indicated very clearly that 20 minutes was way too little when he was 20 weeks old, he was just starting to get warm. So I never stuck to it and focused on the dog's body signals. I took many long walks and from the 4th month on, bike rides as well, but the one who gave up at one point was me. The animal was tireless and could continue to run without problem after a 1.5 hour bike ride.

As a small puppy, a veterinarian pointed out to me a mild ataxia in his hips. When he saw him again a year later, there was nothing more to see. It was proof to me that training is the best cure for many such symptoms. Limiting walking, which is usually advised, is counterproductive in my opinion. Young animals need as much exercise as possible, they will show you when the limit is reached.

In sports, the term "super-compensation" is known. This is exactly the purpose of the new mesodermal program: when training, the body exercises more than it normally does and biologically a signal is established: I need to get stronger to handle this.
During the workout, the athlete's muscles are broken down a bit, and during relaxation afterward, more muscle tissue returns than before. These programs may be accompanied by muscle soreness: the person is getting stronger.

General program of cell - and cell +

Theme: self-esteem violations (SDC)

CA phase (conflict active phase, stress phase)

Tissue loss (necrosis), unnoticed. With prolonged conflict activity: further tissue breakdown. Holes in the tissues with a chance of tearing a tendon or muscle.

PCL phase A (Healing phase A).

Rebuilding of tissues by bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, spirochetes, etc.). More tissue comes back than there was before, which can be diagnosed as cancer, e.g. bone cancer, lymphatic cancer.

Symptoms: swelling, severe pain, fatigue.



PCL phase B (healing phase B).

Diminishing symptoms.

Hanging healing or many relapses (tracks): "autoimmune diseases." This name is not that strange, but in fact it belongs to the CA phase: after all, one judges himself negatively; one attacks and brings down himself.

Location and exact SDC content

The significance of symptoms on the left or right side of the body depends on the clapping test, see the summary of the 5 biological laws.

The exact conflict theme of symptoms at a particular location on the body is in relation to the function of that particular body part. This applies to all tissues of the new mesoderm, found all over the body: bones, tendons, muscles, joints, fat tissue, connective tissue and blood and lymph vessels.

Each location may also suffer a local SDC. That specific location is experienced as "not good" because of, for example, an accident, a touch, a complaint or a diagnosis. The biological laterality and thus the handedness does not apply then: it is a realistic conflict at that particular location.


The organs belonging to this group have their own specific theme and a specific relay in the brain:

Constellations of the Cerebral Medulla: megalomania.

People in this constellation have a persistent self-referential attitude and an over-inflated sense of self-esteem. They come across as overconfident, arrogant, pompous, and over pretentious, as “full of themselves”. 

Again, this makes sense and is necessary: it compensates the double or multiple breach of self esteem; one has the impression of being worth nothing, neither towards mother/child nor towards a partner/third party (see the clapping test). With the megalomania the person protects himself from further self devaluation conflicts.

Dr. Hamer: through overestimating oneself, the person pulls himself out of the swamp by his own hair, so to speak. It is a perfect survival mechanism and, like the SDC itself, remains in place until program is completely finished.

The exact way the megalomania presents itself depends on the locations on the body where the programs take place and the specific SDC's involved, see picture above.