Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

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A constellation consists of 2 conflicts active simultaneously on both the left and right sides of the same brain part.
When one conflict is active, one will change behavior to some extent to better cope with the situation. However, if 2 conflicts are active, then the situation becomes dire, after all, the measures to resolve the first conflict have not worked!  Now the behavior change becomes compulsive and can be called a character change. One wants to stop the behavior, but it is not biologically feasible. It succeeds only when one has moved into calmer waters and the urgency of the situation has diminished.
Below is a global overview of the constellations described by Dr. Hamer. The constellations and its effects are discussed in detail in the workshop Bio-logic of Behavior and Character.
Constellation of the brain stem: one is unable to think clearly
The brainstem controls the uptake, processing and excretion of oxygen, water and food and consists of an incoming part and an outgoing part, see the ring-shaped animal. In the brainstem, the ring shape is preserved, see the arrows in the figure below. In the constellation, there is both an active conflict in terms of the absorption of chunks and in terms of their excretion: you cannot absorb chunks and you cannot get rid of them. So there is a double problem of survival.

Two forms have been described
1. Brainstem constellation, e.g. an active conflict in the duodenum (9) + one in the colon (19).
2. Renal collecting duct constellation: two active conflicts in the renal collecting ducts of both kidneys (11 + 12).
Re 1. Constellations of the brainstem
Symptoms: confusion, consternation. One walks around like a headless chicken, one does not know from the front than one lives from the back. One no longer has one's own opinion, is unable to think for oneself.
In nature, this is the best solution: LIFE always strives for the best solution for all concerned. Surrender is then the best.
However, in our human world, other (financial) interests often play a leading role. It is questionable whether "surrendering to what others say" is the best solution in this case. Often the process of "surviving," becomes a process of "being at the mercy of."
Re 2. Constellation of kidney collection tubes.
In practice, the kidney collecting ducts are (almost) always involved. The symptoms of this are:
Confusion AND disorientation with respect to time, place and person.
Confusion between left and right, confusing the names of family members, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, for example, not recognizing family members or the environment, no idea of the time, the year in which we live or placing events.
Physical: almost no more urine production, fluid retention.
Biological utility
Waiting for the sea, your primal environment, your home port, to pick you up again when you are "stranded."
Wandering aimlessly gives the least chance of rescue; it is better to wait quietly. Retaining moisture improves the chances of survival.
Severe and/or prolonged existential conflicts (separation anxiety) are often wrongly diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer's. When creating a safe environment and putting the client at ease, the confusion/disorientation can basically be lifted.
However, separations with the short-term amnesia and absences in the EC also often play an important role. As a result, in practice it is usually a combination of the ectodermal separation conflict and the endodermal separation anxiety.
The symptoms of endodermal confusion (switching off thinking) and ectodermal amnesia (separation conflicts, constellations in the cortex), are difficult to distinguish. Again, the intimate relationship between the themes of the endoderm and ectoderm becomes apparent.
Constellation of the cerebellum: sensation is eliminated
Double attack conflict, you feel attacked by both your mother or your child and by the a 3rd (see biological handedness). For example, a tumor in the right breast (1) and a melanoma on the left side of the abdomen (6).
Brain and organ are crossed from the cerebellum, see brain.

Indifference, it all doesn't touch you anymore. You feel emotionally "dead," burned out, petrified, everything is gray, you don't feel like anything anymore: dissociative personality disorder. In mild cases, it is often mistakenly seen as depression or burnout.
Biological utility
Not feeling the attacks anymore.
Constellations of the white matter of the cerebellum: self-aggrandizement, megalomania
Double self-esteem infringement (EWI), being unable to meet your mother's or child's expectations as well as those of a 3rd. Feeling totally unworthy, unable to do anything, having no control over anything.

Self-exaggeration, megalomania. I can do everything, I have a grip on everything, I can hold on to everything, I am ironclad, I will do it, let me go, I will put my shoulders to the wheel.
Biological utility
Being able to go on with one's own life despite the perceived rejection of "everyone," holding oneself up. Dr. Hammer: "One pulls oneself out of the swamp by one's own hair."
Biological utility lies at the end of the PCL-B. The megalomania also persists throughout the process.
People with this constellation usually do not recognize and acknowledge their self-esteem violation. In practice, this makes it difficult to resolve.
Constellations of the cerebral cortex
Two types of constellations occur in the cerebral cortex: territory constellations and cerebral cortex constellations.
1. Territory constellations
Territory constellations are covered in detail in the workshop Bio-logic of Behavior and Character .. These cause all learning and behavioral disorders and psychological and psychiatric problems (see also ectoderm): autistic constellation, mythomaniacal constellation, aggressive constellation, floating constellation, postmortem constellation, incontinence, anorexia, psychoses, schizophrenia, homosexuality, pedophilia, bulimia. This matter is too complex to discuss further in the context of this site.
2. Constellations of the cerebral cortex
Other constellations in the cerebral cortex (see figure below) with their symptoms and biological utility are:
• Frontal constellation (1 + 2): frontal anxiety, can no longer think clearly, numb with fear of what is to come, of what is coming at him.  Biological utility: turning off thinking, waiting for rescue to come. See also gill arches and thyroid outlets.
• Constellation of the motor cortex (3 + 4): compulsive movements, tics, spasms, gilles de la touret syndrome. Biological utility: the movements allow you to get away. This is to compensate for the conflict theme "being stuck," not being able to make a certain movement. See also muscle innervation.
• Constellation of the sensory cortex (5 + 6): poor memory or loss of short-term memory. ADD (in children), onset of dementia (in the elderly). Biological utility: forgetting the separation, see also epidermis. With prolonged hanging conflict with many relapses: alzheimer's, dementia.
• Constellation of the post-sensory cortex (7 + 8): loss of medium-term memory to complete amnesia, alzheimer's, dementia. Biological utility: forgetting the gross, painful separations. See also periosteum. The effect is more dramatic than that of the constellation of the sensory cortex.
• Constellation of visual cortex (9 and/or 10 + 11and/or 12): pursuit delusion, paranoia. Biological utility: being able to flee in time. See also retina and vitreous body.
• The combination of the frontal constellation (1 + 2) and a constellation of the visual cortex (9 and/or 10 + 11and/or 12) means that the person has no way out: there is a danger coming toward him that he cannot avoid, but there is also something or someone behind him. The person is trapped.