Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Old Mesoderm


The programs in the old mesoderm are similar to those of the brainstem in the endoderm. Tissues of the old mesoderm are controlled by the cerebellum. The cerebellum, brainstem and midbrain make up the "old brain," see Brain.

The old mesoderm developed when organisms needed to start protecting themselves from each other. Later, when they moved onto land, they also needed to be able to protect themselves from dehydration by the sun and from dust and dirt.
The tissues in this group are the corium skin, the membranes of the pleura and the abdominal cavities, the pericardium and the breast glands.

General program


  • Attack conflicts. Being attacked, feeling attacked or fear of it
  • Feeling soiled, impairment of integrity. Feeling filthy, disfigured, unattractive, afraid of being mutilated, being contagious. Also being scolded: filthy, dirty bitch.
  • Nest-worry conflict (breast glands)

CA phase (conflict active phase, stress phase)

Tissue increase, tumor forming. For example, thicker skin for better protection (melanoma), greater capacity of sweat glands to keep others at bay (excessive perspiration).

Healing phase A (recovery phase A)

Normalization of tissues.
Swelling, pain, fever, extreme fatigue and foul-smelling night sweats because of the breakdown of cells by TB bacteria, protein in urine.
When no or insufficient TB bacteria are present, the now unnecessary cells are encapsulated.

Due to common interpretation and the stench of the TB bacteria, these programs can also cause a lot of anxiety and there is a high possibility of follow-up conflicts, for example:

Especially with a combination of various (intense) endo- and mesodermal programs, continuous physical, mental and medical support is necessary.

EC (epileptic or epileptoid crisis)

(Strong) aches, chills and cold sweat. Possible eruption of the swelling, especially if a puncture was performed previously: foul-smelling, pus-filled, bloody discharge.

PCL phase B (recovery phase B)

Diminishing symptoms.

Because the healing liquid is mineral-rich, calcium deposits may remain at the end of the PCL-B, e.g. in the breasts.

Hanging healing

Also in the old mesoderm more tissue is broken down during the healing phase then was built up during the conflict active phase, so the tissue in the affected organ steadily decreases, for example, "empty" breasts.
Calcium deposits may be found too.

Constellation of the cerebellum

Emotional numbness.
Unresponsive to further attacks; nothing interests or touches the person anymore, life is gray, without pleasure. This is often mistakenly seen as depression.