Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 


General process in the brain

Impact, the Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS)

Emergence of a Hamer Focus (HH).

CA phase or Conflict Active phase (stress phase)

Concentric rings visible on the CT scan, as if a pebble is thrown into the water. It is an energetic event: something has passed by and a trace is visible, like footsteps in the snow. In the center of the concentric rings, a meaningful biological special program is now initiated (biological association, see first biological law).
Solution or conflictolysis (CL).
Emergence of cerebral edema in the HH.
PCL phase A or Postconflictolysis phase A (recovery phase A).
Fluid (brain edema) develops at the site of the concentric rings. Dark spots can now be seen on the CT scan.
Epileptic or epileptoid crisis (EC).
The fluid in the HH is squeezed out and a start is made to fill it with glia tissue (connective tissue in the brain). This is done from the outside in. The glia tissue is better perfused and may then be visible on a CT scan as a light or white ring on the outside of the HH. This is often diagnosed as a brain tumor.
The crisis can also be diagnosed as a brain hemorrhage or cerebral infarction. Whether it is seen as a brain tumor, cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction depends on what is seen on the scan, symptoms and other symptoms or diagnoses.
PCL phase B or Postconflictolysis phase B (recovery phase B).
The HH is further filled with glia tissue. At the end of the process, a CT scan shows a lighter spot where the conflict has been running. This, too, can be diagnosed as a brain tumor.
If the conflict is no longer triggered, this bright spot will disappear over time.
All symptoms and diagnoses in the brain during and after the process are related to the activities of a Hammer's Heart.
The brain can be divided into two parts, and each can also be divided into two parts, see also the picture below:
• Ancient brain, consisting of the brainstem, midbrain and cerebellum
• New or large brain, consisting of the white matter of the cerebellum (medulla) and cerebral cortex (cortex)


Function and programs
The function of the old brain and how it controls its associated organs and tissues is very different from that of the new brain. They also stem from a completely different period in our evolutionary development. The illustration below shows the general characteristics of the process in the old brain and in that of the new or big brain.


Relays (control centers) of organs and tissues in the brainstem
In the structure of the relays in the brain stem, the old ring-shaped animal can still be found, see also endoderm.


Relay of organs and tissues in the cerebellum (cerebellum)
Starting from the cerebellum, the brain and organs are crossed, see also old mesoderm. That is, the left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain and vice versa. Thus, the concentric rings of the worry-struggle-nest conflict reflected in the right breast is on the left side of the brain (1) and that of the attack conflict, which manifests on the left side of the abdomen, is on the right side of the brain (6).


Relais van organen en weefsels in de witte stof van de grote hersenen (medulla)

De relais in de medulla controleren de botten, de pezen, de spieren, de gewrichten, het bindweefsel, het vetweefsel, de lymfeknopen en -vaten en de bloedvaten op een bepaalde plaats in het lichaam.  De exacte inhoud van de eigenwaarde inbreuk bepaalt welk lichaamsdeel is aangedaan en welk weefsel in dat lichaamsdeel, zie nieuw mesoderm.


  • Door de evolutionaire draaiing van het hart wordt de linker hartspier door de linker hersenhelft aangestuurd en de rechter hartspier door de rechter hersenhelft.
  • Nierparenchym niet gekruist, parenchym linker nier wordt door de linker hersenhelft aangestuurd en die van de rechternier door de rechter hersenhelft.

Relais van organen en weefsels in de hersenschors (cortex)

Zie ook ectoderm.


The eyes do not involve the right or left eye but the left or right halves of the retina or vitreous body in both eyes. These are also not crossed, because the left halves of both the vitreous body and the retina are controlled by the relay in the left hemisphere of the brain. However, the left half of both eyes look to the right and the right half to the left. The one being looked at matters: mother/child or a 3rd (social side, see biological handedness).