Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Muscle innervation

The transverse muscles are controlled by 2 germ layers:
• The motor cortex (ectoderm) controls muscle movements
• The white matter of the cerebellum (new mesoderm) controls muscle mass.

Whether it involves the left or right side of the body depends on biological laterality.

General: not being able or allowed to make a certain movement, being trapped, stuck, not being able or allowed to get away or come along, not being fast enough, etc.
Specific: it may involve a single muscle, a muscle group or one or more limbs.
• Not being able or allowed to follow, walk, dance, jump, kick away, escape, etc. (legs and feet).
• Unable or unable to defend oneself, unable or unable to push someone away or unable or unable to grab, embrace (arms and hands) someone.
See the skeleton at the new mesoderm below for the conflict content of the different locations of the body.
Some specific muscle groups:
• Facial muscles: loss of vision is also called stroke.
• Bronchial muscles: territorial anxiety, see also bronchial mucosa.
• Laryngeal muscles: terror, see also laryngeal mucosa. With 2nd active conflict on the male side: stuttering.
• Transverse muscles of the cervix: unable to hold the fetus, see also cervical mucosa, smooth muscles uterus, endometrium.
• Bladder muscles: territory marking, see also renal pelvis, bladder and urinary tract and the bladder triangle.
• Transverse muscles of the rectum: territory marking (defecation), see also rectal mucosa and rectum.
• Diaphragm muscles: "I can't get enough air". This is the physical component of the heart muscle, where you can't handle life mentally, overwhelm conflict.
Spleen stitches are related to this and hiccups are crises of this program.
CA phase
Decrease or failure of nerve control.
Decrease in muscle tissue (new mesoderm).
Biological utility
"Freeze" response. Sitting motionless still to avoid being seen. Keeping oneself dead.
When something moves, the eye is involuntarily drawn to it. It is a compulsive reflex and cannot be avoided. A prey animal that cannot escape has the greatest chance of survival if it does not move: the predator often does not see it then. If it moves, it "catches the eye" and can be caught.
In humans it is often metaphorical: there is a certain situation from which you cannot get out, in which you are stuck. There is no immediate life threat, so the "freeze" response is not necessary, but there is increasing muscle weakness, which is essentially a weakened "freeze" response.
• In intense conflict: sudden muscle paralysis. In a sudden life-threatening situation, control from the motor cortex stops.
• In less intense conflict: paralysis of a few muscles, manifesting as muscle weakness. Gradual reduction of control from the motor cortex.
• Muscular atrophy or muscular dystrophy. Muscular atrophy is seen as temporary, dystrophy as permanent and incurable. According to biological laws, the conflict theme is the same but with dystrophy the impact will be in early childhood or even the womb. The theme is anchored in a deeper layer of the subconscious.
• Abnormal shape of the spine: scoliosis, lordosis or skifosis ("I can't/can't keep my back straight").

PCL phase
Due to healing edema in the brain a sudden worsening of paralysis or muscle weakness. Rebuilding of muscle tissue, more mass returns than was there before, see new mesoderm.
Exacerbation of paralysis symptoms due to the healing fluid in the brain, which further reduces or completely fails the control of the muscles.
Paralysis symptoms may occur both on impact and during resolution. Often one does not notice that an active conflict is running, the muscle weaknesses are then minute and go unnoticed. Only at resolution is there a sudden aggravation and it becomes visible. Thus, with sudden musculoskeletal problems, both options should be considered.
The sudden inability to move (properly) often gives rise to follow-up conflicts.
Diagnoses that involve the prospect of a wheelchair, such as MS, ALS, Polio, Guillain-Barré, etc., also create new conflicts and complicate healing.
Epileptic seizure. Severe, uncontrolled muscle spasms. There are 2 forms:
1. Shocks, spasms. Upon impact, a fast movement could not be made, for example, a person could not run away quickly (dynamic muscles).
2. Muscle spasms. On impact, one used all the force enough to stop something, for example, one pressed the brake as hard as possible, to avoid a collision (static muscles).
In both cases, it is a sign that normal muscle control and muscle movements are returning. In practice, however, these symptoms very often create a new conflict (symptom shock).
Some specific muscle groups:
• Bronchial muscles: violent, compulsive coughing attacks. With another active conflict in the female territory range: bronchial asthma (prolonged exhalation).
• Laryngeal muscles: whooping cough attack. In another active conflict in the male territorial range: laryngeal asthma (prolonged inhalation).
For more on this, see the lecture "The Biology of the Psyche" and the four-day workshop "Bio-logic of Behavior and Character," see the agenda.
With these processes, we very often see hanging healings in the PCL-A/EC: epilepsy, Parkinson's.
After all, because of the muscle weakness/paralysis, one really cannot now make a certain movement. The original theme is triggered again and again. These are difficult programs.
Normal muscle function returns. In the case of laryngeal and bronchial muscles: prolonged coughing.
Biological utility
Because more muscle mass is built up in the recovery phase than was lost in the CA phase, one is stronger at the end of the process than before, see new mesoderm. Thus, there is no temporary improvement in function here in the CA phase for survival, but permanent improvement.
Thus, the biological utility is both in the CA phase and at the end of the PCL-B.
Constellation of the motor cortex: tics, Touret's syndrome.
Closing Muscles
For all sphincters (sphincters of the bladder, uterus, rectum, stomach, etc.) applies:
1. No cell shedding in the CA phase
2. They relax (open) in the CA phase and during EC:
• Bladder sphincter: pants peeing to better mark territory.
• Rectum sphincter: pants pooping to better mark territory.
• Cervical sphincter during EC: birth
• Stomach (cardia): reflux, heartburn in Ca and EC, see gastric mucosa.