Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 


The omentum is part of the peritoneum and has a special function, see biological purpose.

Whether it is the left or right side of the abdominal net depends on biological laterality.


Ugly, mean abdominal conflict, for example, a tumor in the abdomen.

CA phase

Cell increase in the omentum. This may be flat growing of the resorptive quality or a compact growth (cauliflower-link) of the secretory quality (see endoderm).

Biological purpose

  • Flat growing, resorptive type: folding around an inflamed organ and encapsulating it. For example, in appendicitis.
  • Compact growing, secretory type: secreting a lubricant to allow organs to move smoothly in the abdominal cavity.



PCL phase

Functional normalization. Removal of cells by TB bacteria, if present. This is often accompanied by deformities.

Encapsulated old inflammatory programs are called "cold abscesses."