Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Inner ear

There are two organs in the inner ear: the cochlea and the balance organ. They are controlled by the same relay in the brain but have different themes.

Also see eustachian tubemiddle ear.

Whether it is the left or right side is affected depends on biological laterality.


  1. Cochlea: hearing conflict, not wanting to hear something, I can't bear that sound. It can't be true what I hear!
  2. Balance organ: falling conflict, fear of falling, due to having fallen oneself or seeing or hearing someone fall.

The endodermal sound "morsel" with the theme wanting to hear (right) or not wanting to hear something (left) belongs to the middle ear and the eustachian tube.

CA phase

Change of function, no cell reduction.


Inner ear:

  • Tinnitus: reduction in hearing because of buzzing, rustling, hissing, squeaking, ringing, etc.
  • One can hear sounds or voices. In the case of voices, there is a constellation.
  • The lingering of a phrase or song in the mind is also part of this program.

Balance organ:

  • Dizziness
  • Falling tendencies. One falls toward the mother/child or toward the partner/other person (biological laterality).

Biological purpose

  1. Inner ear: hearing impairment to not hear the sound. In tinnitus: the person is alerted by the sound and he can hear less as a result.
  2. Balance organ: the person is biologically "forced" to sit or lie down in order to prevent falling.

PCL phase

  1. Inner ear: sudden loss of hearing due to swelling in the inner ear and in the hearing center of the brain.
  2. Balance organ: disappearance of dizziness or falling tendencies.



In balance disorder: sudden recurrent strong dizziness or falls.

Hanging healing or many relapses: deafness or hearing impairment.