Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Sensory nerve fibers, olfactory nerves

At the end of the olfactory nerve are the fila olfactoria, that extend from the olfactory bulb.

Also see: mouth submucosa, nasal mucosa.

Whether it involves  the fila olfactoria on the left or right side of the nose depends on biological laterality of the person.


  • Stink conflict, not wanting to smell something, I can't stand this smell.
  • "Atmosphere conflict": I don't like the atmosphere here. The atmosphere is "judged" with the nose.

CA phase

Functional loss, no cellular decrease.


Not being able to smell certain odors anymore.

Biological purpose

Not noticing the unbearable smell.

PCL phase

Function is restored, the sense of smell slowly returns.


Sudden decrease in sense of smell. Not a cold, which is part of the nasal mucosa.

At the end of the program, (most of) the sense of smell returns.

Constellation of both olfactory centers in the brain: odor confusion or paranoia regarding odors.