Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 





The endoderm consists of 2 tissue types:

  • Intestinal mucosa or descendant, controlled by the brainstem.
  • Smooth muscle tissue controlled by the midbrain (see brain).

There are some differences in the general courseS of these two programs. First, the program of the brainstem is discussed and at the bottom you can find a brief summary of the program of the midbrain. 

The themes of endoderm (yellow group) and ectoderm (red group) in the same tissue or organ are usually similar. Endodermal tissues are evolutionarily older, the conflicts are more direct, the individual dies from the event itself. The ectoderm is evolutionarily younger. This is more about the functioning of groups and herds and the consequences of being separated from each other. The young animal separated from the herd lacks the care and protection of group. The fact of being separated in itself is not life threatening, it can generally eat water and food. But if it is not resolved quickly, it will eventually be eaten by a predator or starve to death because it can no longer drink from its mother.

As you gain more insight into the structure of biological laws, the evolutionary backgrounds, the themes and functions of the tissues and organs of the different germ layers, the unique interaction between it all becomes more clear as you go on.
It is a fascinating journey.

General program of the brainstem

The endoderm is the oldest germ layer and controles the metabolism, i.e. the absorption, processing and excretion of oxygen, water and nutrition.

Theme: morsel conflicts

There are nutritional morsels, water morsels, air "morsels" and sensory "morsels." The associated programs concern the biological survival of the individual: life is threatened by a lack of the basic necessities of life: one is in danger of suffocation, dehydration or starvation.

CA phase (conflict active phase, stress phase)

Tissue growth, tumor forming, polyps

Symptoms: unnoticed.
With intense and prolonged active conflict, it can cause problems, e.g., obstruction.

PCL phase A (healing phase A)

Function normalizes, the tumor is borken down.

Symptoms: swelling, pain, fever, (extreme) fatigue and foul-smelling night sweat due to the breakdown of cells by fungi or TB bacteria. Proteins in the urine. Excretion of pusy mucus with possibly some blood.

When no or insufficient fungi or TB bacteria are present, the now unnecessary cells are encapsulated and cut off from the metabolism. This "tumor" will remain present for the rest of the persons life and may lead to a diagnosis of "cancer" years later.

Dr. Hamer: 40% of the diagnoses involve these types of old growths.

In an intense and/or prolonged stress phase, the healing phase is intense and this can cause a lot of anxiety. There is then a high probability of follow-up conflicts, for example:

  • Syndrome: My existence is threatened
  • Death fright: this is what I will die of
  • Myocardial attack: this is too intense, too overwhelming, I can't handle this, this is too much, I won't pull this off
  • Veins: symptoms hinder me. With persistent conflict: possibly internal bleeding.

Especially with a combination of several (intense) endodermal programs, continuous physical, mental and medical support is necessary.

EC (epileptic or epileptoid crisis)

(Strong) pains, chills and cold sweats, sudden (increase in) blood loss and/or bloody mucus/pus.

Often these programs pass almost unnoticed and one finds blood in the stool on examination. Thinking back to the period before, one was often somewhat low in energy, suffered from night sweats and possibly loose stool.

PCL phase B (recovery phase B)

Diminishing symptoms, excretion of broken down tissue. Pulling pain possible.

Hanging healing

Because slightly more tissue is broken down in all endodermal tissues during the healing phase than was built up during the conflict active phase, the tissue in the organ in question decreases steadily.
Also calcium deposits can be found. 


Hanging healing or many relapses in the PCL-B phase: increasing presence of scar tissue or connective tissue.



  • A CT-scan of the liver, lungs and pancreas, among others, often shows one or more dark spots. Water or fluid shows dark on a CT scan and are healing symptoms.
    One spot means one was afraid of 1 person dying, 2 spots concerned 2 people, 3 concerned 3 people, etc. If many spots are visible, one fears for one's own survival.
  • In the healing phase, there is always a little more broken down than there was build up in the CA-phase. This creates cavities in the tissue where the program has been running. In the presence of the syndrome, these cavities can fill up with fluid and may look like "tumors" on the CT scan.

Significance of symptoms on the left or right side in the mouth, nose, throat, eyes and ears.

Evolutionarily, we are descended from a ring-shaped organism (right picture below). Nutrients were salivated in the former gullet and entered the gastrointestinal tract through the right side. On the left side, waste products entered the gullet and were salivated to be spit out.

In today's mouth, throat, nasal cavities, eyes and ears we still find these ancient principles in the conflict themes: programs on the right side indicate something one wants but does not get and on the left side something one has been given against one's will that cannot be gotten rid of.

At some point in the evolution, the ring shape broke off on the left side of the gullet and formed the anus. The nerves that controlled the tissues and organs on the entire left (outward) side of the intestines were broken off and had to be reconnected to the brain through the spinal cord.

During embryological development, all stages of evolution are accelerated: the single-celled, the multicellular, the ring shape, the fish stage (see pharyngeal Ducts) until finally a human fetus emerges.

The figure below on the left shows the human embryonic form. Approximately 3 months after conception, all organs and tissues are in essence present and the fetus begins to grow, see also the process of conception, pregnancy and birth.


Qualities of endodermal cells

All endodermal cells and tissues are derived from the intestinal mucosa.
Five qualities can be distinguished, each with a specific function:

  • Secretory type tissues: production of digestive juices, digestion of the morsel.
    Cauliflower-shaped tissue growth for increased production of digestive juices.
    These are also called polyps.
  • Resorptive type tissues: morsel absorption. Flat tissue growth for improved absorption. Causes a thickened intestinal wall.
  • Sensory type tissues: quality control. Purpose: detection and removal of dangerous and unhealthy morsels as quickly as possible. In the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, peristalsis (propulsion of the morsel by intestinal muscles, see below: motor type) reverses, and in the lower, outward part, it speeds up. Result: vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Motor type tissues: transportation of the morsel. Can lead to colics in the EC.
  • Excretory type tissues: excretion "waste morsel," especially in the large intestine, production of feces.

The themes of the various qualities in a given body or tissue are the same or very similar. The details of the conflict content determine the involvement of the various qualities.

General program of the midbrain


Morsel conflicts, transportation of it.

CA phase

Increase in muscle tension and the amount of smooth muscle tissue, unnoticed.

PCL phase

Normalization of muscle tension, the extra muscle cells remain!



Constellations of the brain stem: thinking is switched off

  • Kidney collecting tube constellation: inability to think clearly, wanting to stay in place, confusion and disorientation regarding place, time and person. The latter is typical of kidney collecting tubes
  • Other constellations: apathy, inability to think clearly, confusion
  • Difficulty urinating