Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Nose and pharynx submucosa

See also: mouth and pharyngeal surface mucosa, fila olfactoria, mouth submucosa


  • Unable to grasp a (food) morsel or fear of it (right side of pharynx), i.e. wanting to get something but cannot or should not. Also metaphorically.
  • Not being able to get rid of a morsel or smell or being afraid of it (left side of the pharynx), i.e. getting or smelling something you don't want, you want to spit it out, throw it up get rid of it.
    Also metaphorically.

Difference between left and right see ring shaped organism.

CA phase

Functional increase. Cell growth  in posterior nasal and pharyngeal cavities, polyps

Biological purpose

  • Increase in sense of smell, increasing saliva in mouth
  • Better salivate "Smell" or food morsel to take in (right side nose/mouth, see ring shaped organism).
  • Better salivate "Smell" or food morsel to get rid of, spit it out (left side of mouth/nose).


None, with intense conflict hypersensitivity to (certain) odors or overproduction of saliva in the mouth.

PCL phase

Functional normalization. Decomposition of extra cells by fungi or TB bacteria, if present.


Angina (throat area). Fatigue and/or night sweats, smelly mouth and breath, foul taste. Narrowing of throat due to healing swelling, more severe with the syndrome.


Possible bloody discharge when blowing the nose, nosebleeds.