Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Uterus (endometrium)

The male counterpart is the prostate.

Also see muscles of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix.


  1. Unable or unwilling to have children, miscarriage.
  2. Mean, ugly conflict, usually with a male person. Assault on female integrity, womanhood. Being rejected by a man. Often partner related.
  3. Loss conflict, often grandmother - grandchild, but also of one's own child is possible.

CA phase

Functional increase, cell increase in the endometrium.

  1. Cells of secretory quality: cauliflower-shaped, uterine polyp (cancer).
  2. Cells of resorptive quality: flat growing, thickening of the wall.

Biological purpose

  1. Thicker wall to promote implantation of the fertilized egg. Compensation of the loss.
  2. Formation of more juices to better wash away the unwanted "morsel/child"



PCL phase

Functional normalization. Decomposition of extra cells by fungi or TB bacteria, if present.


Uterine inflammation, endometritis. Fatigue, night sweats, pain.
Very strong bleeding during menstruation, sometimes with residual mucous.
After menopause: pussy discharge from the vagina (fluor vaginalis) with possibly light bleeding.

Endometriosis has nothing to do with the uterus but with the mesodermal program of the ovaries.
Dr. Hamer discovered this by studying the CT scan.


Chills and cold sweats, strong pains, strong bleeding.