Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

Chronic complaints and allergies

Regularly recurring symptoms (relapses)

There are many ways complaints can return. This happens when the conflict is not really resolved, but the situation is temporarily absent and present again. Some examples:

Frequent bladder infections

In the workplace, there is a colleague who won't leave you alone. He annoys you immensely and when he is around, you experience a territory marking conflict. On weekends, at the beginning of a vacation, when he is sick, that is, when you don't see him for a few days, you go into resolution and get cystitis.

Frequent jaw swellings

You can't really let go of your daughter, you want to "bite" into her life, so to speak, but she makes her own decisions, whether you like it or not. Every time you see her, the conflict becomes active and when you say goodbye, it dissolves and your jaw gets swollen.
This is my own story, it took me 2 years to see this and actually let go of her. Now when I see her, it's just nice and I don't get a swelling afterwards.
The figure below shows this schematically.


Chronic complaints and allergies are all the result of tracks and traces. With each impact, a photographic picture of the situation at that time is stored as a cellular memory: the environment, what one was doing, who was there, the time of day, what was eaten, heard, smelled, felt, the posture of the body.
When the body gets in contact with some of those conditions, it can give a warning signal in the form of an allergy: rash, a certain pain, an emotion. The body warns you that you may be in danger.

The main difference between allergies and chronic diseases is the frequency with which one comes into contact with a trace.


One talks about allergies when there are periods when one is not bothered by the symptoms. Large parts of the time the trace is not there, the Hamer Compass is finished and one is not bothered by anything. Then suddenly the trace is there again, the conflict flares up and then immediately goes into healing because the situation itself is not life-threatening at that time. For example:

Hay fever

During the flowering of the grasses, something happened that really startled you: there is a smell to this, this stinks! Your body associates the grass pollen with this event, and in subsequent years the grass pollen warns you that you could be "in danger" again. Since the situation at that moment is harmless, the conflict immediately goes into resolution and you get hay fever. As long as there are pollen in the air, you are in a hanging healing because this process keeps repeating itself, see the figure further down. If the hay fever season is over and the pollen disappear, then the conflict is no longer activated and you are no longer experiencing the symptoms.

Gluten allergy

When you were little, Mom and Dad got into an argument while you were eating a sandwich. You were very shocked by this and your biological association was an indigestible morsel, an indigestible annoyance. Your body associated the gluten in the bread with this argument and in the future it warns you for this danger: you developed a gluten allergy.

Allergies can be represented schematically by a combination of the above and the figure below: the moment the trace is present, there is a hangding healing (figure further down). If the trace is gone, then the Hamers Compass runs its course and the symptoms disappear, until the trace returns (figure above).

Chronic problems

These arise when there is continuous or very frequent contact with tracks: before the Hamer Compass is completed, the track is there again. The gluten allergy example mentioned above can develop into chronic Crohn's disease if not only gluten acts as a trace but also a large number of other nutrients. One can tolerate almost nothing and has constant intestinal problems. Since intestinal problems in themselves are often indigestible, the symptoms create the same conflict and thus the vicious circle is created: the hanging healing, see figure below on the left.

Other conflicts that often take chronic forms are self devaluation conflicts: I'm not good (enough). The pain in the tendons, muscles or joints prevents you from functioning normally and causes you to be physically "not good enough" now. This triggers the old conflict and therefore the hanging healing with its chronic complaints and symptoms occurs.

You can be hanging everywhere in the Hamers Compass. The figure below shows a hanging healing in the PCL-A on the left and a hanging crisis on the right. The symptoms refer to the moment in the healing phase in which you are hanging as well as to the conflict theme.
Examples of a hanging EC are asthma, epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. One can also hang in the PCL-B, e.g., warts.

With any chronic illness, the severity of symptoms fluctuates. If things go "better" one day, then the conflict is most likely activated. With the "sigh of relief" because one is suffering less, it goes back into resolution and symptoms increase.

Hanging conflict

One speaks of a hanging conflict activity, if the conflict is almost continuously active and thus physically cells are more or less uninterrupted build up or broken down. In an intense and prolonged conflict, this will eventually become noticeable and may cause physical problems.

A conflict that does not resolve itself but the intensity is decreasing and is eventually reduced to (almost) zero does not cause problems. Should it eventually resolve, the healing phase is much lighter than if it had resolved earlier.
For intense conflicts, transforming the intensity downward and delaying resolution is a very good option.