Living in Confidence

How the Mind Controles the Body 

The Syndrome

The syndrome occurs when a new existence conflict arises due to a diagnosis, intense symptoms or another situation, see the figure above.

During the healing phase of conflict A, edema is produced. When at the same time an active existence or abandonment conflict (biological association: dying from lack of water) is running, the kidney collecting tubes close and the body retains water. This results in larger swelling and more pain, which will intensify the existence conflict.  

In addition, survival always takes precedence over healing. This causes the healing of conflict A to slow down or stop altogether. The symptoms remain and become more severe due to the existence conflict.
As a result, fear, and thus the existence conflict, increases, making the symptoms worse. The person enters a vicious cycle from which he often cannot get out. As a result, fairly harmless diseases actually can become life threatening.

The existence conflict is very common, it is activated at every impact (after all, the very survival is in danger at every impact).
In our common understanding, there are many deadly diseases, so when one goes into resolution, the diagnosis and/or symptoms often create new fears and thus a new existence conflict. The diagnosis "cancer" is an outright death sentence and causes many other impacts in addition to the existence conflict, which are seen as "metastases."  These "subsequent conflicts" in turn are the cause of new impacts and thus new subsequent conflicts: the vicious circle is a fact.

This shows how important it is to work on fear, because then one works on the existence conflict. The more understanding there is about the cause and course of biological programs, the better one is able to let go of the fear of them. Knowledge of the 5 biological laws of nature can make a huge contribution to this.


Prevention is better than cure:
Study the biological laws while you are still healthy!



The fairy tale of the bear

This is a fairy tale told by a doctor at the AZK congress (AKZ = Dutch Audit Committee Quality Care).
It was about patients believing too much in the doctors' diagnoses and that most people die from the fear, which is largely because of the diagnosis....

The Bear

In the forest, we are told, the bear has a list. Whoever is on this list will soon die. Some become very frightened by this.

The deer is the first, who wants to know if it is also true and goes to the bear.
"Tell me, am I on your list too?"
"Yes, you're on it too."
The deer worries without end and after a few days he is dead.

This story goes through the forest like a wildfire and now there are several who get scared. But some just can't believe it, one of them is the big, strong wild boar. He decides to go to the bear and ask him.
"Tell me, am I on your list too?"
"Yes, you're on it, too."
That gives the wild boar a giant stab in his heart, how could he live so carefree before? He worries without end and after a few days he is dead.

Panic breaks out in the forest, no one dares to go to the bear anymore, yet they are all anxious to know who is still on the list.

Always quite relaxed, the little bunny decides to try anyway, he goes to the bear.
"Tell me, am I on your list too?"
"Yes, you're on it too."
"Could you maybe cross me off?"
"Yeah sure, no problem!"
And he lived happily ever after!!!